Module 1


Module 1

The first module is an easy one... the main goal is develop a GAME PLAN and to get some basics under the belt... So get ready to start the first part of training... GO!

What do we expect of you?      Expectations of you <<<CLICK HERE

What can you expect of us?    Expectations of us  <<<CLICK HERE

What is your level?    NAA Levels  <<<CLICK HERE

When can you get your next raise?    NAA Promotion Guides  <<<CLICK HERE

What are the steps to success?    NAA 8 Team Player Steps  <<<CLICK HERE

In order to proceed to the next Module, please watch the video and pass the quiz!



The next Module will give you information about our most popular product,  superior non-medical policy.  After you have listened to the presentation you will be able to download the software.


Proceed to the interactive training Module 2



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